This lovely patient presented to Dr. Athre with a chief complaint that she just did not look as young as she felt on the inside. She is active and involved in many social activities. She is always on the go.
Procedure: Deep plane facelift with vertical vector midface lift, deep plane lift for definition of mandible, deep plane neck lift for laxity of neck, with midline platysmaplasty. Full face skin resurfacing with 25% TCA solution. Under eye laser resurfacing with fractionated CO2 laser. Full face autologous micro and nano fat transfer.
The patient loves her new youthful look. She is shown here at exactly 2 weeks after surgery. The pinkness of the skin is secondary to the resurfacing. This will dissolve completely into her normal coloration.
*Actual patients shown before and after surgery. Your results may vary. Photos are for education only and are not meant as a guarantee of results.