Reason for Consultation: The main target areas for this patient were her eyes and her neck. The eyes were hooded with excess skin. The lower eyelids showed fat bulging with excess skin. The overall face and neck showed aging with laxity of tissues.
Procedure: Face/neck lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty
Technique: Deep Plane face and neck lift, midline platysmaplasty, upper blepharoplasty, lower subciliary blepharoplasty with skin redraping. Local anesthesia with oral sedation.
Motivo de consulta: Las principales áreas para esta paciente fueron sus ojos y su cuello. Los ojos estaban encapuchados con exceso de piel. Los párpados inferiores mostraron grasa abultada con exceso de piel. La cara y el cuello en general mostraron envejecimiento con laxitud de los tejidos.
Procedimiento: Lifting de cara/cuello, blefaroplastia superior e inferior
Técnica: Lifting facial y de cuello plano profundo, platismaplastia de línea media, blefaroplastia superior, blefaroplastia subciliar inferior con redraping cutáneo. Anestesia local con sedación oral.
*Actual patients shown before and after surgery. Your results may vary. Photos are for education only and are not meant as a guarantee of results.