Rhinoplasty is surgery on the nose. The procedure can be done for medical reasons, breathing problems, birth defects, or injury, or it may simply be done for aesthetic and cosmetic purposes. [Related: Plastic Surgery vs. Cosmetic Surgery] Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures There are two types of rhinoplasty procedures, an open rhinoplasty procedure and a closed […]
Types of Rhinoplasty Surgery Techniques
The fact that the nose is a major defining feature on the face is undeniable. Because of this, rhinoplasty is one of the most common forms of facial cosmetic surgery. Many people of all genders are unhappy with the shape of their nose. Whether it is an inherited flaw or a crooked nose from an […]
What to Expect After a Nose Job
Cosmetic surgery on the nose is a commonly performed procedure. If you decide to have it, you need to know what to expect after a nose job. What to Expect After A Nose Job After a lot of research, you have finally decided to get nose job. Of course, you’ve heard about the surgery itself, […]
Why Men Are Choosing Plastic Surgery
Photo Credit: On Pexels. CC0 License Mention plastic surgery patients and there’s a chance that one immediately thinks of women. The names of procedures such as “facelifts,” “nose jobs,” and “breast augmentation” lend themselves to this assumption. In truth, women do make up approximately 92 percent of all plastic surgery patients. Male Plastic Surgery Statistics […]
Male Rhinoplasty: The Anatomy of the Nose Job’s Popularity with Men
Nose surgery has quite a long-storied history dating back thousands of years to ancient Egypt and India. Of course, rhinoplasty has certainly come a long way since those bygone times. In the last century, vast improvements have been made to techniques, tools, and training that have given patients and doctors alike the confidence in enhancing […]
A Brief Overview of Plastic Surgery
If you are considering plastic surgery to update or change your appearance, you should know about plastic surgery from both an historical and a current point of view. As an elective surgery, plastic surgery doesn’t often get the objective coverage it should. Proponents crow about the positive effects while critics argue the opposite. Rarely does […]
Most Popular Answers From Raghu Athre, MD
Will depressor septi release alone correct my plunging tip when smiling? By Elekktra, Los Angeles, CA I am satisfied with my nose except when I smile. My tip goes from a “neutral” ( not upturned but not droopy) to plunging into my smile-this causes me to not smile for photographs. Would releasing mg depressor septi as […]